Sunday 6 April 2014

Freewheel 2014

It's April, time for the first DA Event of the year - the Freewheel.

This year we returned to the hill that was used back when I joined the CTC 10 years ago, New Road.

The morning dawned dull and wet, although I was feeling quite chipper as it was my birthday! I used my birthday as an excuse and sent a text to Anton taking him up on the offer of a lift that he had made me. Arriving at Horsham, we were met by Norman and Mick - although it has to be said, Norman was in civvies and not riding. As we stood around chatting, Ken rolled up and joined in the chatter. The weather seemed to be improving insofar as the rain looked to be stopping, so we didn't start riding until half past ten. I had a couple of routes in mind, but in the end we just did a small loop taking in Broadbridge Heath, Slinfold and The Haven before cutting across from Rowner Road going up New Road and arriving at Sumners Ponds in Barns Green. This is where we were due to rendezvous with the other sections for lunch. Within a few minutes of us settling down to our food, a few other riders had turned up but by the time everyone else had arrived and had their lunch, we'd been there for nearly an hour and a half!

It was a short ride to the hill on New Road and then we were off. Each of us taking a turn rolling down the hill and seeing how far we could go:

The end result saw Anton roll furthest but get disqualified for turning his pedals as he started to get off, but no matter to us as the next two places were our own John C and Ken.

After all that excitement it was but a short run up Two Mile Ash Road back to Horsham and home before four pm.

Next weeks ride is a Three Bridges start at 10:00hrs for one of our monthly Introductory Rides led by Pete S.  I'm hoping that he will take us along the Worth Way as I reckon the Spring Blossom will be really good.

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