Sunday 9 February 2014

Easy Ride

Pete S led Jacqui, Sandra, Val, Gordon, Norman, John V and myself out on a ride designed to encourage newcomers to cycling. A simple route saw us follow NCN20 up through Three Bridges and the Industrial Estate and then alongside the swollen River Mole up to Gatwick Airport.

Further evidence of the recent high rainfall was the flooding in the tunnel under the motorway link. It was only a couple of inches deep though, so we easily negotiated it. Apart from that the path was relatively clean and clear. Until we got to the subway under the railway in Horley - that was closed due to flooding, so we had to lug our bikes over the footbridge instead.

Pete was going to take a slight detour from the NCN20 to avoid the bumpy and gravelly bridleway but Val had wandered ahead and took us onto it before Pete could intervene. It was therefore slightly ironic when Val was heard to suggest that we should have avoided the bridleway!

This area is where Horley seems to be expanding into but at the moment it is pretty much awash with floodwater - perhaps the council will stipulate that all the new houses there are built on stilts or floating pontoons.

Reaching tarmac again we just had about three miles and two climbs to go before pulling up at Redhill aerodrome where the cafe was busy (as usual).

Refreshed, our return journey was the exact reverse of the outward journey - except that this time we avoided the dirty bridleway bit. On reaching Three Bridges we said goodbye to Sandra who was heading for home whilst the rest of us headed over to Broadfield for lunch at Gordon's, followed by the Q2 Runs List meeting.

Many thanks to Gordon (and Jacqui) for hosting the meeting and many thanks to all the members who took part and helped produce a nice varied selection of rides taking us through to the end of June. I've sent the list off to be published in The Pedaller and I've also posted it on our website.

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