Sunday 5 April 2015


'Keen to put a bit of variety into our list of rides, I'd decided to do a fairly short loop to the west and north of Crawley. It seems like this appealed to people as we had nine riders out today - Michael, Christine, Pete E, Norman, Frank, Ann, Adam, Paul and me, Bob.

The first part of the route took us along the Old Three Bridges Road. Next we used The Boulevard and then headed into West Green before using the tunnel into Ifield. 

The Rusper Road took us past the scene of the recent "body in the boot" murder and then we headed into Ifield Green and up Hillybarn Lane. At the top we stopped for a breather and to allow Bob to adjust his new Spd pedals - he was struggling to release his shoes from the too tight clips. Adjustments done, we headed along the Mount and then North to Newdigate.

Reaching Parkgate, Bobs plan was to head north and east but the group consensus was to head straight for Charlwood down Stanhill. So we pulled up at The Greyhound in Charlwood at only half past eleven. The pub wasn't busy and we were soon sat outside eating and drinking. Everyone was surprised at the low price but good quality the food and drink was. As we were so close to the airport, conversation naturally centred on the (potential) expansion of Gatwick.

Our homeward route took us past the western end of the runway and we witnessed several planes taking off as well as a few landings before we headed towards Ifield along Bonnetts Lane. Crossing the River Mole into Ifield, I took us along a quiet lane to Ifield Green and St Margaret's Church. Here several of our riders went to look around the churchyard whilst I looked after the bikes and chatted with a Churchwarden.

Heading towards Ifield station, Norman left us to pick up NCN228 back to Horsham, whilst the rest of us used the new cycle track and old subway back into West Green. Next we used Springfield Road and the back streets of old Southgate to get to the Hawth Avenue traffic lights before taking a quick sortie through Furnace Green to pick up the Black Path which led us to Haslett Avenue and thence Three Bridges Station.

Not a long ride today - a mere twenty odd miles - but everyone seemed to have enjoyed it.

Our next ride on Sunday 12th April will have a 10:00 hrs start at HPP. We will head south then west to have lunch at Sumners Ponds with the other West Sussex CTC groups before popping round to New Road to take part in the Freewheel DA Competion - it's dead easy: all you do is roll down the road and see who can roll the furthest - John C is usually our best competitor, why not see if you can give him a run for the money?

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