Sunday 12 October 2014

Rudgwick Apple Day

We tried to run a ride to Rudgwick Apple Day last year but it was raining so heavily that we only got as far as Slinfold before turning back! This year, the weather was much better - Autumnal and overcast but pleasant enough for riding a bike.

Malcolm got in touch on Saturday night and we arranged to meet up at Furnace Green shops to ride over to Horsham in the morning. I was there at the allotted time but where was Malcolm?  A quick phone call revealed that he was at Furnace Green shops in Tilgate!!  No matter, I soon joined him and off we went. For some reason my legs were feeling really good and I got a nice spin on going up Pease Pottage Hill - I couldn't quite keep my speed in double figures all the way to the top but the hill didn't seem to hurt me as much as usual. As I was about to turn right at the mini-roundabout towards Pease Pottage I was engulfed in a throng of scooterists and just managed to stay on my bike in spite of clipping the back of one of them who had insisted on riding through my outstretched, right-signalling arm!! No problem though, they were all heading south - perhaps to a date with some deckchair-hurling rockers on Brighton beach?

Arriving at Horsham Pavilion in the Park, we were met by Mick and Barbara. and after hanging around for a few minutes in case of latecomers, we headed off. We left Horsham using the glf course/Robin Hood Lane route but then headed north to Warnham. Here I opted to go past the Greets Inn and then up the quiet lane northwards - I was hoping for some autumn colour in the woodlands here, but I think we were just a couple of weeks early. We carried on north and east, passing the unusual Tower House:

Next we headed up the A29 for a mile and then across to Okewood before turning south to Ellens Green and Cox Green. As we reached Rudgwick so we turned right and headed down past the old Rudgwick Brickworks. There's a nice cafe there but we didn't stop and carried on down to the t-junction at the end. Now we only had a short 80 yard ride along the A281 before turning right into the playing field where the Apple Fair was being held.

The next few shots show the apple pressing process:

We each sampled the ciders but to be honest I thought they were all a bit rough, however, the Jerk Chicken with rice and beans that I had for lunch was superb. There were several stalls around, some selling things, others just showcasing facilities or organisations but the one I made a beeline for was the plate-smashing stall!  Six throws for a quid - it had to be done and with three direct hits I managed to render about half a dozen pots and plates down to mere fragments....

We'd been met by Michael and Christine at the Fair and we'd all sat around eating, drinking and chatting. We'd also noticed that there were a lot of red faces amongst the apple folk and we came to the conclusion there had been a lot of cider sampling going on before we'd got there!!

Eventually we remounted and headed back home. We used a fairly easy route back via the Haven, Slinfold and Broadbridge Heath. Returning along Robin Hood Lane, I took this photo of the deer in the deer park.

Mick and Barbara left us in Horsham and Malcolm and I rode back to Crawley along the Forest Road to get back not long after 3pm.

Our next ride, on Sunday 19th October is a 9:30 Three Bridges Station start. We will be going to Poohsticks Bridge in Ashdown Forest. The probable route will be Worth Way/Forest Way all the way to Hartfield, climb up the road and into Ashdown Forest, Poohsticks Bridge, The Hatch Inn at Chucks Hatch for lunch, then back either by road or returning along the Forest Way/Worth Way. I would recommend strong tourers, hybrids or mountain bikes for this ride and we'll probably clock up somewhere between 35 and 40 miles.

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