Monday 18 January 2010

Morning Ride with breakfast at The Lamb, Lambs Green

Ride: Distance: 25 miles - medium
Leader: Mick
Today’s ride was in doubt due to the snow. After a big thaw and rain the ride was confirmed on Saturday.

At the start were myself, Pete S, Frank and Pat, Martin, Barbara, Anton and John V. We were expecting Bob so when I got some missed calls from him I assumed he was running late. He was but was not yet up so we agreed to meet at breakfast. Eight was not a bad turn out for January. I guess, like myself, members were keen to get out after being snowed in.

Before we started I set a question: If a rope around the world was 40,000 km long, how much longer would the rope have to be if it was 1m above the surface?

With that thought in mind we set off north and over the A264 onto Langhurstwood Road and through a flood, not too deep but expected as we had been there late last year. We then turned right into Green Lane which was more like a river than a lane.

At the end of Green Lane Anton returned back to Horsham. It was at this point we saw another cyclist coming from the direction of Hurst Hill going at a reasonable pace. It was only when we spotted the motor we realized she was power assisted. All credit to her for getting out and about.

It was then on into and through Rusper avoiding numerous potholes. I nearly came a cropper in Rusper when, try to avoid a pothole I managed to hit another one. The rest of the group seeing this managed to avoid said pothole. Just north of Rusper we turned right and then turned into Orltons Lane where we met our first ice and more potholes! It was then over The Mount and right towards The Gate. Passing said pub on our right we headed for breakfast at The Lamb, more potholes en-route!

Bob joined us for breakfast in his brand new bright red top and bag. There was a good selection of breakfasts available. I went for option 3: Apple Juice, Smoked Salmon and Scrabbled Eggs, Toast and Preserves and Coffee.

Those present were not convinced that the answer to the rope question was 6.28m (being 2xPI) and that this was the case for any diameter object as PIxD was irrelevant. Some further research was promised.

After food we headed home, 2 to Horsham and 6 to Crawley. Lambs Farm Road in Horsham seemed to be one pothole after another and the only way to avoid them was to cycle down the middle of the road. The level crossing at Littlehaven Halt was just a bad.

Did I mention potholes?

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